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Your views on menopause in the workplace initiative

We are running a focus group on a menopause in the workplace initiative.

Friday 6 Aug 2021

Starts: 12:00 p.m. Ends: 12:30 p.m.

Online Event

Your views on menopause in the workplace initiative-image

Invitation to take part in a small focus group on a campaign we are developing on menopause in the workplace.

The focus group will provide an opportunity for you to find out about a campaign we are planning on menopause in the workplace. In particular, we would like to know your thoughts on the campaign title, key messaging and call to action.

As a women’s health charity led by women’s voices, we are keen to have your input on our planned activities. Together, we can amplify women’s voices and improve the conversation around women’s health.

The meeting will take place online and take around 30 minutes. A link to the event will be emailed to you after registration.