You don't have to accept severe period pain or heavy bleeding. Join the "Just a Period" campaign


Our webinar series covers women's health, from periods, fertility and pregnancy, to gynaecological cancers and the menopause.

Often hosted by our Chair, Professor Dame Lesley Regan, these events bring together top medical experts and women with lived experience.

These conversations provide a space to talk openly and ask questions, and build a community of people interested in women's health.

Take a look at what’s coming up.


Past webinar videos


Talking Menopause with Lisa Snowdon and Dr Naomi Potter

Should CBT be a core part of workplace menopause support?

Let's Talk about Problem Periods and Fertility

Let's Talk PMDD

Let’s End Pelvic Health Taboo

Improving menopause support at work with new BSI guidance

Transforming Women's Health in the Workplace

Let's Talk Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Maternal Mental Health

Pelvic Pain


Gynaecological Cancers

Cervical Cancer


Let's #ChatMenopause



Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Fibroids and Adenomyosis

Menopause in the Workplace

Balancing Act - Keeping your vagina healthy

Let's talk about Fertility

Heavy menstrual bleeding

Fertility Journeys

Addressing medical bias

Putting your (frozen) eggs in one basket?

Pieces of a Woman: miscarriage and stillbirth

Understanding miscarriage and pregnancy loss

How To Make A Dress

Endometriosis – from diagnosis to treatment

Perimenopause: Navigating your hormones

Dispelling Covid-19 Vaccine Myths

Don't miss our next webinar

Join our email list to receive invitations to upcoming webinars. We'll also email you about all of Wellbeing of Women's work and how you can get involved.

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